Masa Orientasi Siswa Tahun ajaran 2015/2016


Pendidikan Bela Negara

Foto Bersama

Siswa-Siswi berfoto bersama sebagai ucapan perpisahan kepada Brigde dari Australia yang akan kembali kenegaranta

Peresmian SMK Keling Kumang

Proses Pembukaan Pelang SMK Keling Kumang Oleh Pejabat Pemda Kab.Sekadau yang diwakili Oleh Bapak Rupinus

Team Sepak Bola SMK Keling Kumang

Dengan Mememang Teguh semanggat INVICTUS ( Tak terkalahkan, Tak tertaklukan)

Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Kegiatan Ekstra Volly

Foto Kegiatan Ekstra Volly  yang di bina Oleh Bastian,S.Pd dan Miki Hermanto, S.Kom

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Senin, 30 November 2015

Dokumentasi kegiatan semester Ganjil tahun ajaran 2005/2016

Masa Orientasi Sekolah dan sabtu sehat

Video Kegiatan SMK Keling Kumang


Kegiatan Class Meeting

Jumat, 27 November 2015

Liputan penerima Beasiswa SMK Keling Kumang dari Good Return Australia

Our Field Support Officer (FSO) Bridget Martin, recently shared a Good News story that is a cup of warm cocoa for the soul!
Having taught for three years in a low socioeconomic high school in Australia and assisted in the administration of educational grants and bursaries for a non-profit organisation, Bridget’s passion and expertise made her the perfect lead on an exciting new project. Thanks to a generous Australian donor, our team and colleagues at CUKK Indonesia had the opportunity to develop a program to help children of families living on less than $2.50 per day to complete secondary education. Working to meet a tight deadline, our team and colleagues at CUKK demonstrated their commitment by sleeping on floors, braving treacherous muddy roads and working through the night to reach families in the remote villages of West Kalimantan. By addressing the financial barriers to education, our team is giving children living in poverty the opportunity to keep learning. Bridget brings you her story.


Good Return has had the opportunity to pilot an exciting new project. Just a few months ago, we received funding for a new scholarship program aimed at supporting students living in poverty to further their education. Working closely with our Indonesian partner CUKK, we have provided 50 students from disadvantaged backgrounds with scholarships to attend senior high school this year. The project targets children at upper secondary school age (typically 16 to 18 years old) who are at risk of dropout for financial reasons. By addressing the major financial obstacles to education, we hope to significantly reduce this risk and allow these young people to continue studying. Research shows that just one extra year of schooling can increase an individual’s earnings by up to 10%. We believe that this scholarship will provide students with better opportunities to improve the future for themselves and their families.
Fifty scholarship students have started school in July
Fifty scholarship students have started school in July

“The families we spoke with in West Kalimantan indicated that school fees represent the most significant obstacle to sending their children to school.”

The pilot program will be delivered in partnership with SMK Keling Kumang, a recently opened senior high school located in the town of Sekadau, West Kalimantan. SMK Keling Kumang is a vocational senior high school that offers the national curriculum alongside vocational studies in areas such as IT, accounting and agriculture. The families we spoke with in West Kalimantan indicated that school fees represent the most significant obstacle to sending their children to school. They told us that the most difficult costs to bear were those that required large lump-sum payments. This problem is associated with cash flow difficulties arising from low and irregular income, as well as presently low rubber prices in Indonesia, a major source of revenue in the region. For this reason, the scholarship has focused funding on the major financial outlays associated with sending a child to school: school fees, uniforms, books and stationery.
Children received certificates of enrollment at a ceremony in July
Children received certificates of enrollment at a ceremony in July
As a Field Support Officer in Indonesia, I have been leading the implementation of the pilot on the ground. Having taught for three years in a low socioeconomic high school in Australia and, prior to that, assisted in the administration of educational grants and bursaries for another non-profit organisation, I have tried to draw from my experience while working on this project. Fortunately, I have also been working closely with the Good Return program team, who provide great support from Australia, and an incredibly dedicated group of local staff from CUKK and our partner school. As we decided to offer the scholarship only to students in households living on less than US$2.50 per day, each household had to undergo a poverty assessment (using the Progress out of Poverty Index) and a home interview. A team of 11 Indonesian staff travelled far and wide to visit the homes of candidate families to determine their eligibility. This was no easy task as many roads in the region are muddy and difficult to negotiate. In addition to transportation challenges, one night, after enjoying dinner and an evening debrief in a small village outside Sekadau, the team discovered that the local branch office where they had intended to stay was closed. With few other options, they settled in to sleep on the floor of the café, using their jackets as pillows, before getting up to continue their surveys the next morning.
Good Return & CUKK surveyed 172 households  in under a week!
Good Return & CUKK staff showing their commitment sleeping on the floor of a remote cafe
The Survey Team
Through this home interview process and the application forms we received with letters from the students, we heard many heartfelt stories about the lengths to which these children and their families go to remain in school. These are just a few examples: Petrus wakes up at 2:30am every day to go to work cutting coconuts in the market before school and he returns there to work every afternoon. Before he received the scholarship, Petrus borrowed money from his boss to afford the enrolment fee (approximately $5) for senior high school. Andreas’ father insisted that he leave school to work and earn more money or he would no longer be provided for. Andreas refused to drop out and went to live with his sister and brother-in-law so that he could continue studying. Ristanti’s father is unable to earn as much as he used to due to poor health. Before she received the scholarship, Ristanti’s mother sold a pair of her earrings in order to afford the cost of transport and the initial fee to enrol in senior high school.
From left: Petrus, Andreas and Ristanti
From left: Petrus, Andreas and Ristanti
Based on their household poverty score, their application forms and recommendations from the Survey Team and the local branch manager, 50 students were selected from 129 applicants by CUKK’s Executive Committee. Half of these students were girls. On the 9th of July we held an award ceremony for the students where we gave each a certificate and distributed their pack of books, pens and rulers for the year. The ceremony was attended by a local government leader, Wakil Bupati Rupinus, and as part of the event I delivered my first ever speech in Indonesian.
CUKK Representative, Adilbertus Aco (left) and Wakil Bupati Rupinus, with FSO Bridget Martin
Wakil Bupati Rupinus (left) and , with FSO Bridget Martin
Each student received a CUKK bag, 70 notebooks, 12 pens and a set of rulers along with their certificate. Now that the students have started school, our focus will be on monitoring their progress and the effectiveness of the program. We will be checking their attendance, interviewing their families and conducting a few in-depth case studies (keep an eye out for these). We will also be looking to secure further funding for the program so that we may support these students through the remaining two years of senior high school and offer the same opportunities to more students in the future.

Congratulations to Bridget and the Good Return and CUKK teams on this wonderful achievement. Their tireless effort, passion and perseverance is inspiring. We look forward to bringing you updates on the Sintang school project and the scholarship students.
It is often stated that investing in education is the most effective way to reduce poverty. By removing the financial barriers to education, we are providing opportunities for the leaders of tomorrow. The best way to help us continue our work is through regular giving. Please consider becoming a champion for the people like the families of Sintang.


Kamis, 03 September 2015

Exskul SMK Keling Kumang

Dalam rangka mengembangkan bakat dan minat para siswa dan siswinya smk keling kumang membuka beberapa Kegiatan Ekstra yang meliput antara lain:
1. Olah raga:
- Shorinji Kempo
- Sepak Bola
- Bola Volly
- Bulu Tangkis
- Tenis Meja
2. Akademik
- Group Bahasa Inggris
- Group Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
- Karya Ilmiah Remaja
3. Kesenian
- Band
- Sanggar
4. Palang Merah Remaja
5. dan masih banyak lagi. 


Siapkan biaya pendidikan anak anda sejak dini

Video Layanan Masyarakat CU Keling Kumang yang juga  satu Group dengan SMK Keling Kumang di bawah Keling Kumang Group
Siapkan biaya pendidikan anak anda sejak dini bersama Keling Kumang

 terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu anda untuk menonton Layanan ini

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru 2015

Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016 SMK Keling Kumang telah membuka pendaftaran bagi calon peserta didik baru yaitu
Gelombang I: Mulai tanggal 8 s/d 23 Mei 2015 (hari minggu dan hari libur tutup)
Gelmbang II : Mulai tanggal 11 s/d 20 Juni 2015 (hari minggu dan hari libur tutup)
Tempat : SMK Keling Kumang Sekadau
Telp : 0823-5203-2727
Email :
adapun berkas administrasi pendaftaran sebagai berikut:
  1. Membawa Ijasah dan SKHUN asli : 3 Lembar
  2. Fotocopy Ijasah Legalisir                : 3 Lembar
  3. Fotocopy SKHUN Legalisir            : 2 Lembar
  4. Fotocopy kartu NISN                       : 2 Lembar
  5. Fotocopy Akta Kelahiran                 : 2 Lembar
  6. Fotocopy Katu keluarga                   : 2 Lembar
  7. Pas foto 3 x 4                                    : 6 Lembar
Siswa/i Lulusan SMP dengan Rangking 1 sampai 3 bebas biaya Pendaftaran

Biaya Sekolah:
a) . Biaya  Pendaftara sebesar rp.50.000;
b). Biaya daftar ulang 
  1. DPP (3 tahun)                                      Rp. 1.000.000
  2. SPP( bulan Juli + Agustus 2015)         Rp.   200.000
  3. OSIS ( 1 Tahun)                                   Rp.   120.000
  4. UKS (1 Tahun)                                     Rp.     60.000
  5. Praktikum                                             Rp.   120.000
  6. Kartu SPP                                             Rp        5.000
                                                        Jumlah: Rp. 1.505.000
c) Biaya Seragam dan atribut sekolah
  1. Pakaian putih abu-abu                         Rp.275.000
  2. Pakaian Pramuka                                 Rp.275.000
  3. Pakaian Khusus                                   Rp.275.000
  4. Pakaian Olahraga                                Rp.150.000
  5. Kaos Kaki (Hitam + putih)                 Rp.  30.000
  6. Ikat Pinggang                                      Rp.  30.000
  7. Topi + Dasi                                         Rp.   30.000
                                                          Jumlah: 1.115.000
Pembayaran uang sekolah keseluruhan adalah sebesar Rp.2.670.000;
dapat ditransfer ke simpar an.Yayasan Keling Kumang nomor : 247 TP pasasr sekadau atau langsung ke panitia penerimaan.
  1. Jurusan Bisnis dan Manajemen
a. Administrasi Perkantoran
b. Keuangan Akuntansi
      2. Jurusan Teknologi dan Informasi
a. Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (Komputer)
     3. Jurusan Agribisnis dan Agroteknologi
a. Agribisnis Tanaman pangan dan Hortikultura

- Fasilitas Penunjang
  1. Laboraturium IPA
  2. Laboraturium Komputer
  3. Lapangan Olahraga
  4. Perpustakaan
  5. UKS
  6. Kesenian
  7. LAB Pascapanen
  8. Asrama Bekerja sama

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Program Form Login Ke Aplikasi Menggunakan Username dan Password Di Database Menggunakan VB Net

Apakah aplikasi anda sudah menggunakan form login? Form login tentu sangat berguna pada aplikasi yang berhubungan dengan database. Berikut ini akan saya berikan contoh program login yang menggunakan username dan password yang tersimpan pada database.

Untuk yang pertama buatlah tabel pemakai di database yang sudah anda gunakan. Database yang dicontohkan disini yaitu database Microsoft Access. Strukturnya bisa seperti berikut :

Nama Tabel : Pemakai
1. namauser  type text
2. passuser  type text
Isikan beberapa record pada tabel Pemakai tersebut.

Nah silahkan anda rancang form berikut ini :

Adapun program form login ke aplikasi menggunakan username dan password di database menggunakan VB Net, berikut ini :

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form1
    Dim kesempatan As Byte
    Public DB As OleDbConnection
    Public CMD As OleDbCommand
    Public DR As OleDbDataReader
    Public SQL As String

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim LOKASI = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Database\BPC.mdb"
        DB = New OleDbConnection(LOKASI)
        If DB.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
        End If

        Password.PasswordChar = "*"
        kesempatan = 0
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click
    SQL = "SELEC * FROM pemakai Where namauser='" & Username.Text & "' and passuser='" & Password.Text & "'"
        CMD = New OleDbCommand(Sql, DB)
        DR = CMD.ExecuteReader
        If DR.HasRows = True Then
            MsgBox("Selamat Datang", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Login Success")
            MsgBox("Maaf !, Password anda salah !", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Login Gagal")
            Username.Text = ""
            Password.Text = ""
            kesempatan = kesempatan + 1
            If kesempatan >= 3 Then
                MsgBox("Maaf !, Anda sudah " & kesempatan & " kali salah !", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Login Gagal")
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
End Class
Pada program form login ke aplikasi menggunakan username dan password di database menggunakan VB Net tersebut terlihat tidak terdapat username maupun password yang didefinisikan, hal ini dikarenakan username dan password tersimpan pada database BPC.MDB di tabel Pemakai.

Demikianlah program form login ke aplikasi menggunakan username dan password di database menggunakan VB Net


Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Para Pelopor

Menjadi pelopor atau perintis sebuah bidang baru bukan lah hal yang mudah, namun itu adalah sebuah tantangan baru. terlebih dunia bisnis saat ini terus berpacu dengan cara jemput bola. hal ini pula yang dilakukan oleh Keling Kumang Group sebagaimana kita ketahui besama bahwa keling kumang bergerak di bidang Financial yaitu Lembaga Simpan Pinjam dan perkreditran, selanjutnya melebarkan sayapnya dengan menambah bidang bisnis ke sektor rill yaitu dengan membuka K52 yang mengurusi Penjualan berupa Swalayan. Outlet pertaman di buka di sekadau bertempat di jalan sekadau-rawak dipilihnya sekadau karena merupakan basis bisnis CUKK yang juga merupakan wilayah kantor pusat CU Keling Kumang. selanjutnya di buka juga K77 yang bergerak di bidang pertanian yang mengurusi semua kebutuan pertanian. K77 ini di dirikan dan berkantor di Sintang berada di jalan YC.Oevang Oeray tepat di samping Universita Kapuas Sintang. selanjutnya demi membagun manusia indonesia secara umum dan kalimantan barat secara khusus wilayah timur di dirikan juga Keling Kumang University. dan yang terbaharukan adalah SMK Keling Kumang yang beroperasi di Sekadau tepatmya dijalan sekadau-rawak SMK Keling Kumang ini sebelumnya adalah SPP sekadau yang bernaung dibawah yayasan Karya sekadau dan pada bulan February 2015 dipercayakan untuk dikelola Oleh Yayasan Keling Kumang dibawah Keling Kumang Group. dengan membuka tiga jurusan baru untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan dunia kerja saat ini yaitu:
  1. Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL)
  2. Akuntansi
  3. Perkantoran
  4. Pertanian (sudah ada sebelumnya)
Adalah Martinus Taba,S.Pd yang dipercayakan sebagai Kepala Sekolah, yang sebelumnya adalah Staff 
dan berikut ini adalah profil dari staff CU Keling Kumang yang di Peruntukan untuk merintis perjalanan SMK Keling Kumang kedepan
1. Yohanes Amid, S,Pd - Sebelumnya Staff Penagihan & Penyitaan
2. Bastian,S.Sd  - Sebelumnya Kepala TPK Balai Sepuak
3. Miki Hermanto,S.Kom - Sebelumnya Staff IT
4. Para guru SPP sebelumnya sebanyak 4 orang

Staff Nampang dulu saat serah terima Yayasan Karya sekadau Ke Yayasan Keling Kumang

Kegiatan KKG

KKG atau Keling Kumang Group setiap tahunnya mengadakan kegiatan salah satunya seperti yang berikut ini.
Para Staff CUKK mengabadikan kegiatan Bersama General Manager

heem.. tentu saja masih banyak lagi kegiata-kegiatan seru lainnya.